Hamburger Sprechwerk, 24.-26.02.2023
MS Dockville, 18.-20.08.2023
Ecosistem Festival (Bucharest), 28.08.2024
Hundertpro Festival (Mülheim an der Ruhr), 31.08.2024
BY & WITH: Marco Merenda [concept, performance, artistic direction]; Karin Rossi [performance, co-creation]; Christopher Ramm [sound, performance]; Margherita Scalise [dramaturgy, lighting design]; Giulia Limone [make-up design]; Leander Steve Oelmann [costume]; Pauline Schönfelder, Marco Fragnelli [outside-eyes].
What does society expect from me? And who would I be if I fulfilled all those expectations?
The performance project FRUTTA FRESCA shows an open deconstruction process. Two Italian performers appropriate a number of Italian-related cultural stereotypes through choreography, physical theatre and spoken word, thus creating two “hyper-Italian”, drag-inspired characters. Throughout the performance, they will search for their true, authentic self - their identity beyond external, culturally conditioned attributions – by getting rid of their disguise piece by piece. Drawing upon personal experience as well as theoretical discourse, FRUTTA FRESCA aims at highlighting the fine line between appreciation, exoticisation and ascription of identity. The audience is given the opportunity to reflect on their own positioning in a non-judgmental environment.
Funded by the Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg and the Bezirksamt Hamburg-Mitte. Supported by: Hamburger Sprechwerk, Probebühne im Gängeviertel, Studiohaus Osten, Unterstützungsfonds der WIESE eG.
Photos: ©Emma Szabó