Artistic residency @Kulturfactory (Domicella, AV) as part of the Nouveau Grand Tour 2023, 15.11.-21.12.2023.

BY & WITH: Marco Merenda [Concept, Artistic direction, Performance] & Linda Lou Dierich-Matzke [Concept, Mentoring] .
IN NOMINE PATRIS is a formula that has been (un)consciously and (in)visibly implanted in our bodies. What have we done in the name of the Father? What life decisions have we made? What have we sacrificed, what have we suffered, in the name of the Father? Bodies that do not want to submit to this formula have been and still are systematically excluded - from churches, classrooms, workplaces, lecture halls, television programmes. Queer bodies are particularly affected by this. My queer body is also affected.
IN NOMINE PATRIS is a first attempt to redefine sacredness from a queer-feminist perspective. During a month-long artistic residency in Domicella, Marco Merenda intensively explored his own Roman Catholic socialisation and the wounds it caused. Among other things, Marco attended numerous Catholic church services, appropriated Roman Catholic church rituals, choreographies and movement sequences performatively, conducted interviews and developed autobiographical text material.
Funded by the Institut Français d'Italie and the Goethe Institut.
Pics: ©Lea Laerma